Again. Begging for warmth.

Update: a generous soul has provided enough propane for tonight and tomorrow. Still counting on the other donation...  but emergency averted. #forNow 🙏


Original post:

Forecast is chilly to say least! Donation of green 1lb propane cylinders has not materialized. So….

If anyone on Bowen Island has one or two to spare, I would much appreciate staying warm-ish tonight.

I have about 2 - 2.5hrs of heat left in one that's in heater now.

Note: each green cylinder is good for approx 4-5hrs heat. I do not run it while sleeping (for those concerned *ahem* about my safety.)

The stove I am presently using to heat food & water is butane fueled and *will not* operate well at minus celcius degrees which are what is forecast for next several days now.

The van is easy to identify ... look for this sign....on Dorman Rd ... east side shoulder before park entrance.

Please place in stroller beside van. On forest side… but take care… not much space before drop off  to forest below.

I may or may not be inside, but it will take some doing to get outside to greet & thank you ... will be bundled up and not much wiggle room to start with... so many many thanks now for generosity in future! 🙏