Bunk House Tonight.

Zzzzzz Finally!

Am on lower bunk, Hopefully for at least one more night.

It's been several days now of not sleeping, 24/7 up! muzak and 24/7 bright lighting. Today I conked out sitting in an overstuffed armless chair. In the library.

After the guard woke me and he was sure I was okay, I waited for a lull in the torrential rain, got one and visited the women's centre. Barely holding it together.

Unlike what I was assured would not happen, it did. Turned away from transition space bc not fleeing domestic violence at this time.

From there back here (Under One Roof) happening to arrive just before dinner. Was treated tonight with respect and humanity during intake process, something women at Pearl Space helped advocate for on my behalf. Many thanks to them for that change and hearing me.

I'll likely visit that space again tomorrow.

Techie related things have been bombing me too. One quite hilarious and memory jogging - from MathNEWS editor at Waterloo. One mind bogglingly opportune and a reminder to self that anything's possible with a math degree.

To all of you - Good Night!