Did Someone Say Shower?

Laundry 'n Eats too. But wait...

There's more! I am going to be an overnight guest of Under One Roof tonight.

This is wild. The last shower and night on a bed indoors was close to this time of the calendar - last year if memory serves.

Tonight I may be in the top bunk. Do not recall the last time that was the case.

The consensus here is that it's not the place for me longer than necessary. Another (women's) shelter has been suggested as better fit but will have to wait until tomorrow to chat with them.

I am going to sleep like the dead when get prone. 40 hrs awake at moment. Fading sitting at front entrance area.

To round out the wild, after decades w/o tv let alone hockey announcing emanating therefrom - here we be.

Before I end this I do want to remark that this may be the happiest shelter crew & clients I've encountered. #doingSomethingRight