Emergency! ...

... to get sigs on sheet!

Final update Sept 10 8:30 pm

Cold. Dark. No more music.

Heading to van. On Dorman.

Give me about a half hour to get there w water.

See ya there?


Updated 4:45 pm

Am charging phone and sitting outside library on one of the newly installed benches.

C'mon down… Ms DJ Woodall will be rocking the Commons!


Updated Saturday, September 10 at this minute:


Hey folk. I am still looking for at least two people who satisfy these conditions:

(simplified bc cannot call Chief Election Officer on weekend to verify elector status and many people #sofar seem sadly unclear on theirs)

1) you voted in last general election on Bowen

and 2) you haven't moved off and back onto Bowen in the four years since

and 3) you haven't relinquished Canadian citizenship

and 4) you haven't been convicted of crimes that would negate your right to vote.

Please find me in Cove this afternoon. Will be using WiFi to be online so. around Cove and with my stroller.

Bring a friend! The more the merrier.

A whole page worth of spaces for nominators' signatures have I 😉

Just need signing to be dated today.


+++++++++ end update

/////////// start original text

Okay. It is the 11th hour of Nominations Period. Ends this day at 4:30 pm.

Have spent most of last 24 hours readying my van (my home at moment) in event the Municipality's bylaw folks do as written a couple weeks ago and tow it off island on my dime… I presume this is to save the corporation much needed funds….or somesuch.

Whatever the motivations, having my residence on island is essential to my running for office.

I am now in full on signature seeking mode. BUT I cannot leave my essential things on roadside unattended.

So, if you are a person who would vote for me AND

you are a registered voter for local elections on Bowen

AND you are willing to be a nominator of myself for office of mayor


come to my van on Dorman Rd, east side… can't miss it… I wrote



on windows.

Or send someone to stay w my stuff and I'll meet you in Cove.

Very many thanks in advance!