JFC! I just wasted far too much time trying vainly to sort out what the hell was up with my last post after trying watch those videos from the post's links and not having any joy. I assumed also that others would have same experience.

Crap! This hadn't happened before or not since I figured things out - I thought.

I assumed I messed up inserting the YT video entity (they call it a card on Ghost... 🤷‍♀️) and set about reinserting them hoping to do it properly this time.

A simple thing, or so I anticipated! First, delete them and figure out replacing w better results. I could NOT delete them though. *

I knew I'd deleted parts of posts here before while composing and learning the editor but this time... no onscreen keyboard appeared with the handy backspace/delete key to activate. What!?

Over to the inevitably randomly organized open source product's community forum to browse for an answer or hints as to what I was doing wrong/what had changed since last posts were created.

Finally found a bug complaint that was as yet unaddressed that mentioned similar issue and on android but oh, wait... only in chrome browser** which I have been using by default.

So... installed Firefox and oh, gee... now the keyboard shows up when I select the YT thing and backspace deleted it very efficiently.

Unimpressed. But issue resolved by my using two browsers: FFx for editing blog, Chrome for everything else.

Bah. #gimmeABreak #gimmeAnAndroidApp #aWorkingOne

* Which is why a WTF tag has been added here... actually a techWTF tag bc I anticipate finding more between now and whenever I manage to have it hosted on own server or (probs easier) get an actual laptop rather than using android tablet.

** yes, yes. Ghost is yet another publishing platform that no longer has/maybe never had an android app for authoring - why is this? Is android that difficult to support?? or just not important to Ghost & Substack and... ?? bah!