Guess What I Did?

Can't hardly believe it my own self

If you have conversed with me for a length of time over the past, oh fifteen years or so you may have heard me mention that I owned a domain that I intended to get online as when life afforded the opportunity. Well, that time has come! as the Walrus said… 😉

TL;DR°° → is live! Link should land on latest (and hopefully last 🤞) version / iteration of the blog formerly found at/ known as titled probative()

Note: please let me know if doesn't work for you… pls if you can, include how you accessed… smart phone or desktop type computer.

Yeah.  That’s what I’ve finally managed to do.  It’s been a slog for this old dog (I get called a bitch often enough these days that I’m actually thinking of self-identifying as a canine… lolol) what with not having decent tech to work with for ages and being without the coin to even have a phone with voice or data service on it for less than an age but more than several months.

Persistence is a genetic trait that’s been onboard my entire life in my estimation.  It’s paid off nicely at times.  Makes me a PITA on occasion. Keeps me in sticky situations longer than some, too.  

Upsides and downsides.  Can’t have just one side in this universe.

So.  There’s a long backstory to the name of the domain which I’ll leave for calmer times to relate (or whenever it just can’t be contained any longer - a new development that I’m becoming aware of is that my genes are not going to let the stories go untold after all.  So there! (Edith Anne’s raspberry sound goes here. Unsure how to spell it, but I think most of my friends and family know what it was.)

Substack was my first attempt at getting things rolling but they decided to remove vapourize not offer an Android app for writers.  AFTER I’d gotten things set up.  I think that was last summer. Sheesh.

All for the better I think because now I have a paid for hosted space ( and finally managed to sort out the bits and bytes and whatnot between that blog and having my unhosted domain land there so people don’t have to remember too many urls to find me — well, so I don’t have to either!

There’s some importing thing to move subscribers of this newsletter blog over there but I’m going to be busy with things on the ground for the next while and that’s going to have to wait.

SO… for anyone who is a subscriber here and wishes to move to the newer (not necessarily improved - yet) platform, it too is subscription based and is all free at the moment.

BUT… the way subscriptions and subscribing works at Ghost is a bit different.  Might sound annoying when first seen. It's not as bad as all that though… Ghost subscribers are called members and although there’s need of a password, don't worry ‘bout having to remember Yet Another G.D. unique (hahaha) sequence of letters, numbers and who knows how many not *too* special characters just to read my blatherings.

I wouldn't do that to you.  The  point of registering aka subscribing - at least as far as I have been able to figure so far is to allow the platform to validate email addresses which is also your login username. I think.

The password isn't the main point at all! You can put any string of characters into that field and it will email you a one time login link. (I can, you should be able to, so please do let me know if that's not the case when you try. tx)

Your email address will be remembered though and new posts will be sent automatically. Pretty sure subscribing works the same way.

So… check it out when you get time and if you wish, subscribe there as well (be a beta tester! 😆) or instead of this one. I'll be trying to keep this blog going just so you know but may miss republishing new posts from probative() on occasion - as humans do. At times.

Thanks for reading all these words. Type at you soon, friends. Stay safe. And sane!

°°  TL;DR definition