Here we, mmm - I go!

It's almost official...

So. Lots has been happening that hasn’t made it to these pages. Yet.

I arrived back on this rock in May 2020 with definite intentions as expressed to anyone willing and able to listen since then that I returned for several reasons.

One was and still is surviving the twin crises that have befallen our country and this town: the pandemic and the housing crises. So far so good. I am, as noted in a recent post, still here still standing.

One was and is progressing well in my estimation: healing from adventures endured over a lifetime and compounded by past several years on this rock and away. This has been helped immensely by the resolution of a chronic dental infection that took place over the past couple of weeks.  Not to mention the increased sense of security and safety that the current sheltering unit has provided for the past few months.  Being in legal possession of a lockable space is a game changer for this refugee from northern Ontario.

The third was and still is: giving back to the community of Bowen Island who were instrumental in my standing up for my rights against an unscrupulous landlord - the reason for the homeless state of last three years of my first stint as an islander. My intention was to run for council as soon as I was ready. Wasn’t sure I was up to it until recent health and sheltering improvements.

This is about to become reality.  I have just requested a nomination package from the municipality and I intend to run for mayor.

Ironically, if successful, I will have done as two denizens of the Cove exhorted in less than friendly tones just weeks ago: “Get a job!”  and one I believe I am very qualified to perform thanks to adventures personal and professional leading up to today.

Life has a way of putting me where I need to be despite my lack of explicitly planning to be there.  It’s been an interesting path so far.  Looking forward to another unplanned project am I!