If You're Going to Park Royal...

I have a favour to ask (warmth again - no. still)

[update: this post no longer relevant. thanks to ally who saw post & delivered needed fuel last evening. 🙏🥲 tx Vera Keogh ! ]

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Hello again from the tiny tin house inhabitant. I am in need of methyl hydrate for warmth at this time.

ICYMI: Buddy heater benched until repairs can be done. Still intending to complete woodstove project but weather interfering.

As mentioned in another post about warmth - the butane stove that heats water for hot water bottles will not function in very cold temps such as we are getting this week.

Crafty survivor that I am, I have made two very functional burners to use that raise temperature a few degrees to allow butane stove to operate better and extremities less sting-y if you will.

If anyone reading this is going to Park Royal this week and could scoop a bottle (almost 4L) at Home Depot, I would be able to reimburse you. Just please let me know. Can only afford one bottle, okay? Thanks.

I'll update this post when/if no longer ISO. (cross posted to FB)

Please comment here or by email (probative AT substack.com) to let me know if you can help.

[FYI I have figured out where emails go now! comments not sure but will find them.]

Many thanks again. /janice

(screencap of home depot item attached)