Need Help. Effective Help.


Whelp. The substack android app is no longer available. Just when I am needing it.

Will update here as can with extremely limited resources to hand.

Immediate and essential this minute are funds to defend right to survive on Bowen Island, BC and to survive bullying by local government which latest (yesterday) has been theft of van in which I have been subsisting for several months now.

My Charter and Human Rights are as non-existent in this community’s opinion. I vehemently disagree and hope BC’s Supreme Court will as well.

I just have to get there. In one piece. To tell this dismal tale.

I need lawyers. I have no money. BC does not assist wrt access to justice for impoverished vis a vis civil court as Ontario does via community legal clinics.

I need safety from government and local resident bullies. Physical & psychological. I am dealing with C-PTSD symptoms that have been exacerbated ten fold by the actions of this municipality’s employees and contracted agents over past 2 full years of being unhoused in community that has refused to build shelters for those in need and refused to act wrt providing social housing into which shelter clients are transitioned in more humane incorporated areas of this country.

I have had no family doctor to assist w access to drugs rx’d in 2013 for spinal condition that cannot be addressed under these circumstances for these two years.

The federal government saw fit in July of 2021 to stop sending the Guaranteed Income Supplement that topped up woefully insufficient CPP & OAS (1100/mo presently) bc I failed to file income tax during these difficult circs. Their advisement stated they had no way to know I had NOT made more money than previous filing. They also had NO information stating I HAD any other income. They chose - as do social service deliverers elsewhere in my experience to presume I was cheating the system - by default. During a pandemic. And knowing I had moved to this island from Northern Ontario in May 2020.

My pensions totalled approx 1700/mo until July 2021 when it was reduced by 700 GIS, thus rendering me to a level below the poverty line.

Please see my Facebook posts of today and yesterday for rest of immediate issues & circumstances.

Will be (was) transitioning to this platform but have been stymied by loss of electronics files - for third time now since first site was stolen at end of September 2021.


Linked on this blog as well IIRC

ETA: Am on Bowen Island, BC JIC that’s not clear.