
Mucking around today trying to sort strange (to my head) glitches and (worse) apparent successful operation / outcomes with this blog space thing and per usual with things technology infused... more confusion uncovered than not.

But a success of sorts occurred - the naked domain is usually doing as expected wrt forwarding redirecting browsers to this space on ghost.io. And that's the problem... usually but not always and at same instant on same WiFi network my devices do not always agree about whether or not: the naked domain exists or is not secure or is just fine and boom! the expected home page displays just fine.

There's more. Seems browsers disagree even on same device and same network.

Given things DNS related do take time to be propagated, * am now thinking (but may discard this thought immediately) maybe a different DNS service is in order.

Raining and cold and soon to be dark so that'll wait.

Stay safe & dry as possible BC! #BCStorm