
The search is on...

From Web site for seniors housing initiative in downtown Squamish.

I won't waste our time contacting them, yeah?

Then there's this org to whom I have sent two emails. One to the outreach@ address then when no response forwarded that message to info@ ... was (still am) stretched to near non-communicative status over past few weeks of Whack-an-Unhoused-Islander before the Great Escape/Leap To Elsewhere.

I'm working on setting my expectations and then theirs to reasonable under the circumstances. Laundry. A shower! A good start.

I shan't expect privacy or quiet or conversation though. Another good start.

A bed and whatever rest can be achieved can't hurt and is urgent now... 36 hrs w/o rest or quiet is not productive by any stretch of imagining. Which is not to say things have not been getting done.

Applications made for Guaranteed Income Supplement (reinstating bc not really guaranteed at all) and a bus pass (finally!)

I'll be snagging a post office box at storage place today as well. Which trek I'll be making in a few minutes. Taxi trek since it's pouring still.

And then down to see what's what and what's not what at homeless hub. Type at ya later. Maybe.

Gathering things bc rain has paused. Bumped into this mixed bag (re: setting expectations)...

Dignity and respect won't go unappreciated. Not in need of much else here I don't think. At least - not as yet.